
Five ways your team can “Adapt Technology”


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When someone proposes a SaaS tool to you, they tell you that the primary purpose of this software is to make your company more adapt technology efficient, increase sales, or any other promise to convince you to buy their product.

They rarely talk about how your team will adapt technology for this new tool. Is it something they are welcoming with open arms? Will there be resistance? Is the software shipped with an instruction manual if there is resistance?

How can you help your Employees Adapt Technology?

It is difficult to get your team to adapt technology to new technology. It is difficult to get your employees to adapt technology to new technology.

Capgemini Consulting and MIT Sloan Management Review found that many companies must adapt to new technologies, or risk losing their competitive edge. Despite employees being aware of the importance of this matter, many feel that their leaders are not able to make it happen. Maybe they’ve tried new technologies without success.

Your business must move beyond a routine and embrace innovation if it wants to grow. These tips will help you and your employees be more open to new technology.

1. Rethink how your team works Adapt Technology

Sometimes employees become so focused on their tasks that they find it difficult to learn new tools or even believe they exist. It’s important to show the bigger picture. How will this new software benefit them and the company?

Spend some time creating a detailed presentation for HR. Before people accept the tool, they need to be able to communicate with each other. Think about the needs of your team and their problems. Then, think about how this tool can help them. This will allow you to avoid a difficult battle with the new technology and help you achieve your goals quicker.

2. Use the tool to create a project

It is important to get the best people involved in the project. Clear KPIs are necessary to measure the success of the project’s implementation. To make the vision more tangible, we often create how to videos and include people from different departments.

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This will help the group better understand technology and provide support for the rest of the company. Make sure that someone from IT or HR is present to give their input on the presentation.

3. Create a culture that encourages learning and promotes change

Technology is constantly changing the way businesses work. Your team should be able to see that they will soon have access to new tools that improve performance, communication, workflow, and productivity. Ask employees to share new software and new ways to utilize existing tools more efficiently. This will help them feel valued and included in all your company’s activities. Every employee should have regular training and learning as part of their job description. Management is the key to successful implementations. Management is more involved and everyone pays more attention. It makes it seem like everybody is trying to make changes in their work.

4. Give it some time, but not too many

Sometimes resistance can be a sign of ineffectiveness. It’s possible to reconsider if your team has tried everything to adapt technology to new technology but no results are seen.

5. Ask them for feedback

To get feedback from your team, you can set up individual meetings or send out surveys. People who are introverts have difficulty expressing themselves in public. This can help them communicate more openly.

Businesses can stay relevant and profitable by using new technologies and changing their approach to business. It is easier to achieve your goals if you can reduce resistance.

These Essentials Can Help Your Business Adapt to Technology Change

It can be difficult to adapt to changes. It is easy to become overwhelmed by the ever-changing landscape of new apps, services, and technology. Your business must adapt to meet changing customer and workplace expectations. You can ensure that your business stays on top of the latest tech news by staying current with your technology essentials.

  • Technology Essentials
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Happy customers will bring you happy employees. Your internet services are the best place to begin.

  • Fast Internet

A productive workplace environment requires reliable and fast internet access. There are many factors that affect the speed of everyone logging into the internet. It is essential to have a fast connection to access the information you need, no matter if you are interacting with customers or meeting with coworkers.

You need to make sure you have enough bandwidth to support the number of users that you expect to log in at any one time. What is sufficient? It is a good rule of thumb to have 3-4 Mbps per user to ensure everyone has the connectivity they require.

  • Solid Wi-Fi

It is important to choose the right connection, but you must also ensure that your WiFi setup delivers lightning fast internet to wherever you need it. You should ensure that the router you choose can handle the number of users that you anticipate. Good placement is key to a strong connection. Place your router at a central point, higher than other electronic devices.

Making Cloud Apps Work For You

Once you have all the necessary tech tools, you can begin to use multiple cloud-based technologies and tools to do better work, faster and more efficiently.

  • Clear Communications

Streamlining communications can improve productivity and reduce stress. Email is an important tool. However, our inboxes have become cluttered and we feel anxious as the unread messages pile up.

Inbox clutter can be reduced by inter-office communication tools that are chat-based or social media-style. By having multiple streams of communications you can choose the most effective tool for the task at hand, the way a text message is different from a first-thing-in-the-morning phone call.

Slack, Yammer and Chatter are cloud apps that use social media to facilitate collaboration. Pidgin or Google Chat are two free chat-based apps that might be more suitable for one-on-one checks ins. offers a great writeup on

  • Flexible Solutions
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The cloud offers flexibility. DropBox and Google Drive allow everyone to view the same file regardless of where they are located or how they access it. Live editing of a slideshow can be done in taxi and the changes are saved to your laptop before you plug it into the projector.

Accessing important information from anywhere and communicating effectively with others can reduce the need to visit the office. A Knoll Workplace Research study has shown that distributed work options are more cost-effective and can result in higher employee satisfaction than traditional workspaces. Use Tech Essentials to Show Customers Your Most Beautiful Face. Technology can have a significant impact on your customer service and how they view you business.

  • Customer Service is Key

Technology can streamline many processes, which is key to making a business more efficient and agile. However, your customers will still judge you based on the interactions they have. Your technology decisions should be driven by customer service, not vice versa.

  • Improve Point of Sale Interactions

Technology can be made to work by streamlining Point of Sale (PoS), interactions. You want to make the customer experience as easy as possible when they buy your product.

This can be done with a variety cloud apps. Vend, Shopify and Square are all great options for accepting payments. TouchBistro and Ambur are great apps for restaurants to accept payment. Business News Daily offers a detailed list of PoS options.

  • Phone Service That is Relevant

Although it’s easy for people to believe that phone service is less important than before smartphones, Invoca’s 2015 State of the Mobile Experience Report reveals that calling remains the most important feature of smartphones. A majority of respondents say that they are more likely to return customers if they have a positive experience with their phone.